President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, January 23, 2011

what a sundayyyy...

well, it began with church.
i was sustained and set apart as the relief society pianist.
this should be interesting considering i play for fun.
i am no where near hymn book status.
i have my 5 songs i can play and all the others i struggle miserable through.
but, i survived.
then, it was skype time with Jared Gifford..
such a cool experience to be apart of.
i have never sat in on a mission call opening and he was my first.
we sat on skype watching as he opened his call.
he is called to serve in the Argentina Resestencia mission and reporting on April 13,2011.
oh how proud I am of him.
he's going to be one of the best missionaries out there.
expect letters mister:)
confession: i kinda liked that he teared up..real men cry! haha

all in all. what an amazing day.
now i'm ready for the week:)


  1. Yay for your blog! I love it. There is no better excuse to get to that piano practicing than a piano calling. Get to it! :)

  2. I love this blog! My favorite part is that it is RED!!! :P And I didn't tear up, it was just so hot in my house with all those people in there, my eyeballs were sweating! ;)
