Oh what a week!!
Enjoyable, stressful, emotional, fussy, chaotic, busy...
Sat: We started the day off by heading out to watch Rob and Sue at their boat race. They got 1st place in their first race and 2nd in their second race. That unfortunately wasn't good enough to continue. I was in charge of watching the boys while they raced and they just goofed around around the
Tyler of course played and entertained Baby Hayden (or Bebe He-den in his words)
Then, it was Basketball, Basketball, and more Basketball! Matthew lost his basketball games by very little on both of his games. After the game, we headed to get Halloween costumes and dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Arnold.
Sun: I spoke in Church on President Boyd K. Packer's recent conference address. I was confident in how I did-although, I didn't know if in some parts I was too bold. Other than that, I got a lot of compliments and off it was to Grandma and Grandpa Arnold's house for an amazing homemade meal!
Mon: Today was the day that I knew I was about to lose sleep all week. I had to get up at 5:30 am to get my brother on the bus at 6:30. Every morning I would make him toast and an egg and sent him off. This morning was hard and I was hoping it would get easier as the week went on. That night, it was off to basketball practice again and then Del Taco for dinner.
Tues: Today was easier for me with Tyler. I sent him off the bus as with Matthew and then did the things I needed to do during the day. They came home and we worked on homework, made tacos for dinner, watched a movie, and called it a night.
Wed: The routine continued. The kids went to school and I did my thing. It was today that I started getting an itch to carve pumpkins...but it was too early. So I decided to make Baked Ziti. Matthew had been asking for it for forever so there it was. not a favorite...well the recipe. We love baked ziti! And then, again! It was off to basketball practice. That became my life because I didn't have parents to switch and rotate with me. But I enjoyed watching Matthew doing drills and getting better, catching rebounds, making baskets, and especially DOING PUSH-UPS because he was talking too much. Oh how I love them teaching them discipline. He needs it! We drove home to call it a night.
Thursday: Same. The kids went to school as I did my own thing. I felt like I was constantly cleaning the whole week whether it was minor picking up or major deep cleaning. :) Then, it was off to basketball-ONCE AGAIN. That ended and we called it a night.
Friday: Now Friday was more exciting! The boys went to school and after school we went to Matthew's Halloween Carnival. Tyler was so excited as was Matthew. The games were actually fun and we were entertained the whole time. Both Tyler and Matthew won things and Tyler was especially proud of his Grape Soda that he won. What a stud!
After the carnival, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Arnold's house for a sleepover with Ashley. They had a blast eating tacos, watching the Three Stooges, and goofing off. What a fun night! We headed to bed for an early morning on Saturday!
Saturday: Wow! The day began at 6 am when I got up and got showered. Matthew had a basketball game at 8:30 in the morning that we all had to be up and ready for. So, I got myself ready first and then got my brothers ready. What a chaotic day. Matthew thought he put his jersey in his bag but later found out that it was only the bottoms and he was missing his top. Then, I run home, speeding the whole way with my fingers crossed that I won't get a ticket, grab his top and drive over ONLY TO GET A CALL FROM GRANDMA JOLENE THAT HE DIDN'T GRAB HIS BASKETBALL BAG FROM HER HOUSE AND THEREFORE, DIDN'T HAVE HIS BASKETBALL SHOES. oh was i livid! So, he played his game in street shoes and slipped all over because they had no traction. what an airhead sometimes. Then, we went home and made pumpkin shaped sugar cookies and decorated those. We finished that just in time to get ready and go to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Christiansen at the Cheesecake Factory! yummyyyy! After that, we hurried home and got the boys in their costumes for the Trunk-or-Treat at Rob and Sue's ward. The boys had a blast and got so much candy!
Sun: The day finally came where my parents would be returning home!! What a relief. I did enjoy my time with the boys, but I needed a break. We took the day off from church and relaxed-cleaning and getting ready for the parents to arrive home. We all were so stinkin tired from the chaotic week that we went to bed anxious to wake up to see our parents!!
My favorite part of the weeK: THE WEATHER!! I loved the feeling of driving a huge SUV through what seemed like a MAJORLY FLOODED ROAD!
But, we survived. It rained all week, and was so cold that I chickened out and gave in to turning on the heater.
While us kids were home...these are the pics we all were receiving through text messages...
can you say JEALOUS MUCH!? i can. they had a well enjoyed week and were so happy to get away. Love them both! xoxo.