President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, December 31, 2010

..and now it's the end of 2010!

As I have thought about what has happened in 2010, it's surprised me how fast time has flown past! I sit and wonder.."wait! Did I miss half the year?!". No-I didn't. From January to the end of July I was attending college at BYU-Idaho. What a great experience that was for me to have. I learned so many things about myself that I never would've realized had I stayed home and gone to CSN. I learned and experienced independence and what it takes. I learned so many things and brought a lot of them up with me from things my parents had taught me. I found myself thinking " dangit. they were so right!" But, in the end it didn't matter if they were right or wrong, all that mattered was that I had obtained what I needed to know. I heard a girl Camryn say this as a facebook status and it totally applied to my life this past year. It said: I'm learning not to sweat the small stuff. This last year has been about finding strength within myself -- not looking to others for it. How true that has been. I've learned the simple yet huge lesson that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, it's whether you're happy with yourself. And this year, I've grown and am happy with myself and what I have to offer.

At college, I met my best friend. There were tons of great people that I interacted with, but only a few did I actually talk to on a weekly basis. Bri-this where would I be if she wasn't in my life. Our lives are practically identical in different ways, and our personalities mesh. I felt kinda nervous to room with her second semester because I didn't know how she would take my personality, but hey! I'm glad to say that we are practically two different bodies. I can't wait to get up to school with her..making memories!
(yeah, we're cute)
Then, I came home as we parted ways and I immediately headed back up to California the next week. Bri and I rented a hotel near the beach and hung out there as she showed me around. I would do it again in a heartbeat and instead of getting as sunburned as I did, I would be sure to lube up on suntan lotion because I ruined part of the trip because I had heat rash and was in excruciating pain!..never again.

Then I began work as I just nanny'd for my parents. I stayed home and did homework before my brothers got home from school and then when they did, I would help them with their homework. Then, if they had somewhere to go like ortho appt's, horseback riding, basketball, etc. I was in charge of transporting them. Then, the nights became my social time. I met so many friends that I will remember. But, one in particular was Brian. He was the first to let me hang out with him and the first time we met was at the temple and we were both doing things in there and after we went and got Luv-its and from there we've stayed close friends. I'm gonna miss him.
Then, Bri made her way down to VEGAS! It was so much fun and we got around the strip a few times, rode the rollercoasters, took pictures by the Vegas sign, etc. What a fun filled weekend.

Then, I continued making friends, made progress on my English class and was just enjoying the nice break. My parents decided to go on a cruise and I babysat for them for a week and it went surprisingly well! A lot of help from the family and I can't wait for my own kids so I can just be in charge of their daily lives. I don't know..motherhood just sounds so exciting! But, I can hold out..ha

After that, it was time for the holidays.
Halloween: I went around with my brothers.
Thanksgiving: Ate at my grandma Jolene's house and it was amazing as always.
Christmas: Such a fun holiday. Family, food, and presents. Yet, the true meaning of Christmas is such an important part. And without it, there would have been a Christmas. Let us keep Christ in our lives!

And, now! Here's to a new year! 2010 was such a great year and i'm sad to see it come and go, but i'm so ready for what 2011 has in store for me!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

..what I'll miss the most.

As school had grown closer, I've found myself at a bitter sweet stage. I wanna go and can't wait to get up there, yet as time has grown nearer it's almost as it I want time to slow down just a little.
My plans have been changed 4, 5, and 6 times and when I thought I was leaving has changed...once again. I was supposed to leave tomorrow and ride up with Bri and her dad as they were going to find a car. Yet, tomorrow was just too soon. I wasn't ready physically, hadn't said my goodbye's with certain people, and wouldn't get my birthday pa

rty. At least this way, I will be with my family at least part of the day! So now I'm riding up with Bryan Gifford and we're either leaving on Sunday night/afternoon or Monday morning. Sunday's my birthday so i'm kinda hoping I don't have to do that miserable 11 hour drive on it...ughhh! not looking forward to it. :) But, hey it's better than WED! So, i'll arrive up to school and have a few days to get settled in and then it's BACK TO SCHOOL on Wednesday! holy cow. i'm not sure if i'm ready! haha. I'm taking Anat&Phys, calc, math 110, a pre-grad school class, and Book of Mormon.

But, as i've thought about leaving: there are a few things i'm going to miss.
-homemade meals
-my queen size bed
-my own car
-kyle: i met him with three weeks left and with him being gone back and forth to Reno we've spent as much time as we can'll be a hard few months.

-b. aka brian marx. i feel like he's been the one person i can text everyday and tell anything to. he's been the friend i'm gonna miss the most and i feel like he's been so real while i've been in town. he was the first friend to take me in when coming back to vegas knowing no one and will be the one i see as my true best corny as that sounds.

-mary.tesoro. man i love this girl. i see her once in a blue moon, but once i get to see her, we pick up where we left off and it seems like nothing was ever missing. i can tell her anything and she'd support and respect me 100%. i'm gonna miss her although i'll be texting her constantly..keeping up with her life.
-and then there's my ultimate best friend who will be hard to leave. we goof off all day, and all night. he follows me constantly and we can spend hours on end together. i'm never mad at this boy and i am so glad he's part of my family. i can laugh, cry, and talk to him when there's no one else. we watch movies, dance, sing, and just have fun. i'm going to miss not having him with me all day and night to goof off with but i will have regular skype sessions with him and him only. they'll be just for him:) that's my comic relief to myself as i just started to tear up writing this. we are so alike and can act stupid yet serious with eachother and it feels completely normal. i look up to him and am so thankful he's the way he is. there must have been a pretty dang good reason for it. i love you ty-ty. best friends for life...can't i just take him with me?! :/

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Listen to Lauren

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school. SCHool. SCHOOL!!

it's around the corner and I, Lauren Arnold, CAN'T WAITT!!!
ya know, it's funny how bipolar college students can be.
one day you wanna be at college, the next..home.
But, it's my time to be back up at college.
6 months was TOO long. It feels like I haven't been up there for years!
But, now it's around the corner-15 days to be exact is when we're leaving.
We've figured it out that we'll be driving on the 31st-1st.
We'll stay the night in St. George at Bri's family's condo.
Am I gonna miss Vegas?
yes. but give it a month or two or three. haha
No, of course it'll be missed-but my home's in Idaho.
Sad to say, idaho..haha yeah most people just laugh.
but, anyone can say that once you're up there, and with people all the time,
it's hard to say goodbye.
Anyways, Bri and I have a room in a house and we're super excited.
We already know what our roommates look like, some we've talked to and some we haven't.
But, we're excited to get up there and actually meet them in person.
One is from Vegas, so that's cool.
But, my birthday is coming up too.
And-what am I going to do for it?
haha well!! i'll be in idaho.
I'm like hinting with my friends to be up there then so that I have people to celebrate with!
Andrew is a go already! haha.
But, overall-i have butterflies.and i'm ready to leave.
the.end! xoxo

Saturday, December 11, 2010

...some of my FAVORITE boys

well, last night I had theeeeee most amazing night!! i spent 5 hours with some of my favorite boys. Kyle, Matt, TYty, and I went to the Magical forest much. to do! here we are:)

well, we started off hitting up the slide of which there was a race between the boys while i took's the video:

then it was off to mini golfing..yeah there was such a high demand that everyone was rushed through each hole that no one kept track. but kyle and i adore gold and so it was evident!

he's my best friend. and i enjoy every minute i spend with him.

Then the next destination: hot chocolate

..and then the straw mazee.......................................
...then the carousel...

...then tyty really wanted to go see we did:)

...then we finished up with another race down the slide but this time between me and the boys haha

yet, of course. one last stop..tyty had to have his picture with Miss Nevada :) so adorable.

all in all. such a fun night that'll be hard to forget!! thanks to me and my boys! xoxo