President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thru thick and thin

These past few weeks, I've struggled in more ways than one. To start off, my work has been hard as I've been promoted. There has been a lot of drama that is going on and people feel the need to bring others down so that they feel better about themselves. I feel like I go home unhappy each night I work and dread working when I do. There are so many times when I want to go to work and just have a good day for once. It's two months before I go home and it's just a waiting game from now on. I am going to go to work-to do my job. Nothing more. The people there are not people I want to surround myself with and I struggle when I don't get a long with people. All I can do from now on though is be myself, do what I'm good at, and be my best. I am a happy girl who loves things to go perfect and love things to be in harmony.

Friends, it's always been for me just me and one other person. I have tons of friends but only one has been dear to me and knows my everything. I've gone through best friends everywhere I go. I had a "group" in elementary school, in junior high it was Amanda Clark and in high school it was Sonja Pejak. Yet, as i've transitioned into different phases of my life, I have yet to be able to keep one for more than that. This time in my life I have Briana Hunt aka Bee. She knows my everything and has been there through everything, gave me advice on things-whether I take them or not, and we have had tons of fun together.

Boys-I've gone through a lot of hurt and trials with guys. Yet, what I've grown to learn is that I am happy single. It took some time and it seems like when I'm looking-things fail. I am not the hook up type of girl and just like every girl-don't wanna be played. I have the certain "type" that everyone has that I'm attracted to, but this point in my life, I have decided to not worry about looking. There are greater goals in my life like my career and school to have to worry about boys. It gets in the way of school and is a risk i'm not going to force. I've learned a lot about myself as I've struggled and seeing on facebook engagements all over, kinda depressing. But, I know that if I'm going what's right I'll be fine.

Yet, through all this, one thing has become greater to me than ever-the closeness to my family. They have been there through thick and thin--to help me work out all my problems. Whether it's a simple "we're proud of you!" or an "I love you." through a phone call-it means so much to me. It's nice to know I still have people cheering on my sidelines and encouraging me that I can do it. They are my biggest fans and with them-nothing is impossible.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Everyday is full of rain AND sun.

The past few weeks have been so hectic that I finally feel like I have a breather week even though I do have tests this week. Two in fact. How I feel like this is a break? Well, all my hw is easy and so it'll be done by Monday so I have all week to focus on my tests. Anyways, everyday is full of work and school. I worked 6/7 days from Monday to Saturday and yet I still managed to get everything done. AND! I got out more socially than I usually do. We got out and got snow cones 3 time this week, got Great Harvest, etc. We have a list that we make at the beginning of the semester that has the things we want to do on it. We have checked so many things off, but sadly only got pictures of a few of them. So, the things we DID get pictures of are below.

So, one night we were moving our beds around and we have this cubby under our beds for our shoes and we tried to see if we both could fit in it...{Pictures prove we did}

Then, Friday night it was a girls night! I needed it and had a lot on my mind that it helped just let me clear things out and focus on the more constant things in my life, friends. We went ice blocking on some hills and afterwards we went and got snowcones and walked around Porter Park. We came back and baked cookies and pulled our mattresses out and fell asleep to Ice Age.

Then, there was Saturday! I didn't work until 6 pm so we had the whole day to do whatever!
Our plans were to rent bikes and do an all day bike ride but there were no more bikes so we resorted to tanning!!! People tell me that I look tanner, but I think they're just trying to be nice :D

Here's to a new week!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Things aren't always what they appear to be.

I feel like every time I feel like things are going great in life, something always has to happen to prove otherwise. It's for these reasons that I mostly see things in a negative light and allow things to prove me wrong. This way I don't have my hopes up just to be disappointed over and over again. Sometimes we get knocked down, but we have to get right back up and move on with life, like it or not. It's how we handle these situations in life that build character and make us the people we are and are to become. I have found myself and who I really am when i'm placed in the darkest of situations. When I feel alone, I rely on my Heavenly Father to provide comfort and a change in attitude. I find that I am a happier person when I rely on the positive things in life versus the negative. I love life, even through the trials I'm placed through.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dedicated to my mom, Lisa

Lisa Ann Arnold,
the most amazing mother ever.

You hear all the time that so and so's mother is better than everyone else's.
Although I believe this statement, I believe that it is kind of unrealistic.
Everyone's mother is part reason of why someone is the way they are.
I have attributed so many of my successes, knowledge, and progression in life to my mom.
She has helped me be the person I am today.
I have fallen, but she has always been there for me to get past it and grow stronger from the situation.
She has been there for me through thick and thin.
She has become my best friend since I've gone away to college and look forward to talking with her everyday.
She in part, has made me the person I am today, helped raise me to be an amazing daughter of God and has helped me to dream, and to dream big.
I love you mom! xo.

"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The beginning of something great!

Since being up in Idaho, work and school consume my life. I find myself on a typical day going to classes, coming home to do homework and working at night. Although seeing results in my bank account, I wish I had more free time to be with friends. I've found time to go to the hot springs with Bee, but it's not that often that we have time just her and I to hang out. Since being up here, I've gotten an orange rose from Jarom with a note that said "The orange flower represents desire and enthusiasm-both of which are emotions I have felt". I like to think I'm a positive, fun, upbeat girl and hearing those with simple acts like receiving a rose for it is the greatest feeling out there!

And on the card it said: El my Belle :)

Today, Bee, Chloe and I went and flew a was so much fun! Here are some pictures:)

As for school, grades are still all A's... yes it's the third week and I've even had tests, so success? I think so:)
Then, there's work. I've worked there for 2 and 1/2 months and I've already been promoted to a Shift Manager. I'm way excited considering you make hourly pay of $7.55 plus the tips I make as a I'm planning on making a lot of money!

Life's great and so worth living!