President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

some things never grow old, no matter our age.

Well, not many things from my childhood stick out to me because time comes and goes.
Each year brings new adventures and memories that I have to add to the "memory book".
But, the other day I was at the grocery store and one memory that I had stuck out and ...
I wanted to relive it.
So, we had the pudding and the oreos at home, all that was to get was gummy worms.
Yeah, sound familiar? Worms in dirt!
I loved that all growing up, although I didn't do it that often.
We got home, made the pudding up, and crunched up some oreos.
Last finishing favorite part...the gummy worms!
I loved it, and it just brought back all fun memories and another one to add!
Bee thought this pic was hilarious, can I hear...disgusting?!

The end. xoxo

Sunday, March 20, 2011

a flower for your thoughts..

is that flower mine?
yes. indeed. it. is. :)
well, I have a friend. a really good friend.
anyways, moral of the story?
He's had a rough few months, but not in a horrible way.
anyways, him and I have grown really close to each other the last week and
he went to give me a ride home last night from work, because we work together,
and there i opened the passenger door...
and to see what?
a flower on top of a card?
cute? i should say so.
anyways, i was absolutely in awe.
me, being a girl, didn't open the card...
isn't that rude?
i just didn't know if he wanted me to open it right away.
anyways, he persisted to tell me to open it.
inside it wrote: check your texts :) jarom.
i pulled out my phone, and him being sneaky and might i add..well planned
and there indeed, was a text from him.
it wrote:
The yellow flower symbolizes friendship and happiness, and reminds me a bit of you right now. After a rough winter this year, flowers return to remind us that spring is on its way bringing with it new life and color, the reason I am reminded of you is that my winter has been a little harsh as well. But, you have brought me a lot of color and joy this week.
Thank you for all the smiles! Cheesy? Maybe.
Sincere, definitely.

I've had a smile on my face ever since that moment :)
what a doll! winner? possibly.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

And the countdown begins..

4 weeks.
crunch time begins.
trying to maintain my grades becomes a constant battle.
still so many tests in each of my classes.
bitter sweet.
I'm so excited to start a new semester as I kinda get to a "bored" stage in the semester where all my classes I could just be done with and be satisfied.
New friends I've made? not many.
My classes aren't very social although i've met about 5 people around me in each class.
sad huh?
I just hate change.
I have my group and friends, although I'm friendly, I just don't make an effort to pursue more.
so a better word, content.
When I go home on my break, Jared leaves on his mission.
but, glad to see him doing something that he wants to do.
As for me, next semester brings what?
a new start for my classes.
new roommates.
writing garrett will continue.
new calling, that wrong to say? ha
new people, new surroundings.
spring dresses.
all i need to do to get there...?
survive these next four weeks.