President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The countdown!

Well, we went from 44 to 10 days! It gets a little more real as each day comes and goes and before I know it, Wednesday February 22nd will be here! Today I was surrounded by so many friends and family who have been my #1 fans. They have been my strength, examples, and friends as I've been preparing for this time in my life.

I am excited to put aside the cares of the world and find myself. Forget the cell phone, forget the internet, forget all the worldly cares: I am ready to find me and share with those the happiness and joy that I have in my life!

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