President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, December 30, 2012

One week left it's looking like in Escalante!

Family and Friends,

   Wow, this week was, well..where did it go? We worked so hard this week as we focused on our investigators and our work suffered a little because our investigators take up a lot of time and with it getting dark so fast here, it's hard to balance it all!  Sis. Boncales and I every night wonder why all of the sudden, this transfer, we have all the struggles and how to get past it and fix them.  We are trying to truly convert these people to the gospel, but they aren't very financially stable because there's so many people in the families.  But, with the mission tour, it opened our eyes to truly how much harder we have to work with our investigators.  We were encouraged to not baptize them unless we see them financially having a chance in the gospel with the attendance, etc.  We have decided that our investigators aren't ready for baptism at this point and to think big and different!

We had our Restoration Sunday yesterday and it was great! We met with our Branch President after church and he thanked us so much because of our work.  He's struggled with missionaries who aren't obedient and hard working..their attendance went from 120's on average to 195 on Sunday.  Hearing him thank us and how much they have seen an improvement in the ward was a reassurance that even if we were to be transferred, I'd have left my area better than I found it.  I reflected on the question lately: "If I was to be transferred today, would I be confident in saying I am 100% happy with how I left the area?"  Yes, I am. I love it!

We also had the mission tour with Elder Evans and, he's bold! He spent half of our mission tour on the atonement because he felt in the spirit that lots of our missionaries were on a mission unworthy and he taught us how to take care of our problems and come back out.  But, as much as this didn't apply to me, it was an answer to my prayers because what I have had on my mind is how to help my investigators better.  They all have Law of Chastity problems, or serious crime issues, and what's holding them back is true doctrine of the gospel.  The Atonement isn't apart of the gospel, it IS the gospel.  We went away from the tour ready to work on this area with the time we have left and helping everyone truly understand the doctrine! I was grateful for the counsel to us as missionaries and for all that I learned!
One experience that we had this week that was amazing was while we were at sacrament, one family who is really rich got a text that their house was on fire! I was humbled at all the support of the members as they went over and cleaned up the remains of the house..which was close to nothing.  Here, everyone is family and I'm grateful for the service that they give to each other which in turn was an example to me!

I heard Obama got put in one more time and I know that like dad said, it will provide great missionary opportunities and it will eventually lead those people to turn their hearts to God! Stay positive! :) It's all part of the Lord's plan for us!

I love you all!! :)
Sister Arnold

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