This weekend. I swear. full of puppies. here a puppy-there a puppy. well, last week from tuesday-friday, I house-sat and dog-sat for one of my mom's patients. Pretty easy. Her dog is Dolche. Spoiled and high maintenance. For example: She has to have ice-cubes in her water, walked twice a day, and cookies for rewards. Basically-she's a dog, that doesn't really know she's a dog. But she was suppper fun to watch! Here she is.

Friday, my brother got the opportunity to play in the Lady Rebels Half Time Show because he goes to Tarkanian Basketball Academy. It was cool to watch my brother at a rebels game, since that's what he's aspiring to become. hopefully not a rebel though. haha. but he did great and i'm proud of him. I wish I got a better pic, but forgot the camera. so. my phone camera it is! he's on the far left down at the bottom where there's three little boys waiting to go in and play ball!
Then, my mom's co-worker was going out of town to visit her kids and asked my mom to dog-sit for her for the weekend. my dog scoob found a girlfriend and I swear they were wrestling and playing from the minute they woke up til the minute they were separated by the one and only crates. her name is chloe and she's a beagle. i wasn't a fan of her for the mere reason that she went the bathroom in the house what seemed like all the time and she would come in and jump on my bed and all over me so early in the morning. i know. i'm bitter. but! she is a cute dog, so i guess i'm in between. i'm just a girl that likes my sleep. haha. do you blame me?! well my dog scoob constantly found himself giving her kisses and i'm so glad i captured such a precious moment. puppy love <3
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