President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, November 18, 2010 changing decision

You always here about people having to make life changing decisions- but I didn't see one blowing my way anytime soon.
but. it has.
Well, it all started the day of registration when I was deciding what classes to take. I saw that there was one teacher left for Chem 106 classes. me, being the stubborn one who HAS to have a good teacher, put it off thinking I can just go in on the first day and they will admit and add me.
that's what my chem 105 teacher, so why wouldn't the 106 teachers?
I decided to email the teachers in advance thinking that maybe they could add me now instead of risking my first day of class and possibly not getting in.
my response email said: you will be put on a waiting list.
i wasn't too happy, so on I went to sign up for bio 180.
well, that was when i opened my email up again and emailed the bio teachers.
my response email said: basically there's no hope. you can come to class the first day and try and add it but the spots are going to be given to those with seniority.
ohhh...i wasn't too happy.
the emotions hit and all my patience went...
Those were the two classes I was for sure planning on taking with no problems, but obviously there was...many complications.
Well, back to researching what I could take again.
My prerequisites for dental school said that I needed a semester of biochemistry and a year of physics. So I figured I could work on that while in the mean time.
I go to add physics, and to my alert that says I haven't fulfilled the prerequisites for the course...BUT I LOOKED ON THE CATALOG FOR THE PREREQS AND IT JUST SAID MATH 109 or HIGHER...i took 110!!! so, I get on the phone with the school and ask why it's not working..well. she said that i have to either take math 109 or math 110 AND math 111 or math 112. no where in the catalog did it say that. so once again....back to scratch. i think i'm on plan G by now! then i go to add biochemistry..guess what? another problem!
i, once again, haven't completed the prereqs for that..i need to have taken chem 351. well! at this point, the emotions are high, frustration has hit, and it finally bottled over into tears.
my poor parents had to put up with this.

now the question is: do i go or do i stay?

If I go to Idaho, I have no idea what classes i'll take.
I'll have to work on my 4 year degree because I can't get into these classes until a few semester anyways..might as well.
I'll pay $1000.00 in housing.
I'll have to pay for food.
If I don't get into a meaningful class-it'll be a waste of a semester and of money.

If I stay here, I leave behind all my friends, esp my roommate Bri who I was supposed to be living with in the winter.
I'll have a car.
I'll be able to work somewhere besides campus.
I'll have free housing..courtesy of the parents.
I'll have free food..courtesy of the parents.
I'll be able to take these classes that I wouldn't at Idaho.
I would be ahead and get into Dental School sooner.

What do I do?
What's in store for me and my life?
Why is everything seem like it's a joke and failing?
Is the reason it's all failing because I'm supposed to stay?

I'm leaving it up to the Lord and will pray about it and let him guide me where I need to be.
I never thought that staying would be an option, but we can't always predict everything in life.

stay tuned....

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