As I have thought about what has happened in 2010, it's surprised me how fast time has flown past! I sit and wonder.."wait! Did I miss half the year?!". No-I didn't. From January to the end of July I was attending college at BYU-Idaho. What a great experience that was for me to have. I learned so many things about myself that I never would've realized had I stayed home and gone to CSN. I learned and experienced independence and what it takes. I learned so many things and brought a lot of them up with me from things my parents had taught me. I found myself thinking " dangit. they were so right!" But, in the end it didn't matter if they were right or wrong, all that mattered was that I had obtained what I needed to know. I heard a girl Camryn say this as a facebook status and it totally applied to my life this past year. It said: I'm learning not to sweat the small stuff. This last year has been about finding strength within myself -- not looking to others for it. How true that has been. I've learned the simple yet huge lesson that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, it's whether you're happy with yourself. And this year, I've grown and am happy with myself and what I have to offer.
At college, I met my best friend. There were tons of great people that I interacted with, but only a few did I actually talk to on a weekly basis. Bri-this where would I be if she wasn't in my life. Our lives are practically identical in different ways, and our personalities mesh. I felt kinda nervous to room with her second semester because I didn't know how she would take my personality, but hey! I'm glad to say that we are practically two different bodies. I can't wait to get up to school with her..making memories!
(yeah, we're cute)
Then, I came home as we parted ways and I immediately headed back up to California the next week. Bri and I rented a hotel near the beach and hung out there as she showed me around. I would do it again in a heartbeat and instead of getting as sunburned as I did, I would be sure to lube up on suntan lotion because I ruined part of the trip because I had heat rash and was in excruciating pain!..never again.
Then I began work as I just nanny'd for my parents. I stayed home and did homework before my brothers got home from school and then when they did, I would help them with their homework. Then, if they had somewhere to go like ortho appt's, horseback riding, basketball, etc. I was in charge of transporting them. Then, the nights became my social time. I met so many friends that I will remember. But, one in particular was Brian. He was the first to let me hang out with him and the first time we met was at the temple and we were both doing things in there and after we went and got Luv-its and from there we've stayed close friends. I'm gonna miss him.
Then, Bri made her way down to VEGAS! It was so much fun and we got around the strip a few times, rode the rollercoasters, took pictures by the Vegas sign, etc. What a fun filled weekend.

Then, I continued making friends, made progress on my English class and was just enjoying the nice break. My parents decided to go on a cruise and I babysat for them for a week and it went surprisingly well! A lot of help from the family and I can't wait for my own kids so I can just be in charge of their daily lives. I don't know..motherhood just sounds so exciting! But, I can hold out..ha
After that, it was time for the holidays.
Halloween: I went around with my brothers.
Thanksgiving: Ate at my grandma Jolene's house and it was amazing as always.
Christmas: Such a fun holiday. Family, food, and presents. Yet, the true meaning of Christmas is such an important part. And without it, there would have been a Christmas. Let us keep Christ in our lives!
And, now! Here's to a new year! 2010 was such a great year and i'm sad to see it come and go, but i'm so ready for what 2011 has in store for me!!