Magundung umago Pamilya!
Kumusta pa yo pamily?! (How are you family?!)
I am just LOVING IT HERE! Another Pday in two days was pretty sweet, but I have so much to tell you! Well, many have asked how my companion is, the language, new roommates, district, etc. Well, they're MABUTI! (good)!
My companion is Sister King, from Washington D.C. I got talking to her telling her Darren and his family live out there and she was in their stake! Darren and Court were her ma and pa on a youth trip to Gettysburg and she thinks she was Amanda's YCL up at girls camp a few years ago..smalll world. But, she's great! We're still in the getting to know you phase and I'm just trying to help her get adjusted here, but that's what senior companions are for! :) I am senior companion once again in this ward/branch, also. The four boys in our district are hilarious, so fun, keep us on our toes, never a dull moment, awesome group! One is from Fiji, another from Australia, one from New Zealand, and one from Layton UT. You can see the diversity and such, but that's what makes it so great! They're personalities are just hilarious.
The Branch President is Brother Stott, branch 2 and their wives/counselors, etc are all awesome! I was called to play the piano for half of the sacrament meeting (oh boy!), but it'll be great!
Our new roommates are all great as well! Three are from the Marshall Islands and the other from Roy UT...needless to say, I sleep with no blankets because they keep it a sauna in the room! They like things HOT coming from there..but, we're fine nonetheless! It's nice that they're all going to the Philippines and are 3 weeks ahead of us to help us with our studies before bed if we have them!
Sige. (Alright!)
Wed- Was just PDAY once again prepping for a new companion, roommate, etc. I moved into the new room and then my companion got here. I had to do all the beginner orientation once again those two days, so that was a few easy days! We then went to class to meet our teachers who are awesome..But, I walked into class with NO ENGLISH written on the board. I thought it was just for the first day but, hindi (Nope)! That is how it is! Each day we come into class and they speak no English and it's up to us to make out what they're saying..some might complain, but I'm glad they don't because it pushes us that much further and we have learned so much already because of it! But, today we just learned the "Hi, how are you? Kumusta!" or My name is "Ako po si Sister Arnold" or Taag-saan? which means where are you from.. Taag Las Vegas". I loved it!
Thurs- Day 2 of Tagalog and we learned barely anything! Why? Well, listen to this story. We started planning when one of our elders (the one from Australia-originally from above Iraq) walked out frustrated with the language and struggling with why he was here. He ended up walking off and was no where to be found. They called our whole district of 5 up to the front desk to spread out and search for him. After an hour, he was finally found by the temple outside of MTC reign. He was without a companion and when the guys found him, he got mad at them. Because we got called up, we didn't learn much. That day it made me realize and ponder on a few things about myself: Why am I serving a mission? What am I grateful for? I found myself pondering the words to Count your many blessings. How true that song is and what peace I get from it! I have started counting my blessings every day! And this is what I came up with:
Why am I on a mission? I am not here because my parents are forcing me to or because there is pressure weighing on my shoulders. It was the night that Jared and I got in the wreck up in Rexburg when he came up and visited and how lucky we were to have not gotten hurt even though the car hit the snow bank and was totaled. I was so thankful and reflected on why I WASN'T hurt..It was then that I had the impression that the mission was for me. It was in the same conversation that I told my parents I had gotten in a wreck the night before and that I thought I was supposed to serve a mission. As I went through finding out if this was the right decision, I always got the answer yes. How grateful I am for this opportunity! There are so many reasons why I am here but ultimately to bring others the happiness I feel each DAY! But, one big part is how grateful I am to have the priesthood in my home because of a worthy father! PS dad I want you to watch the Mormon message: Fathers blessing or something alone that line??? It's a father and a Downs son and it reminded me of you and how thankful I am for all that you do, and especially with Tyler. The examples that have been set in my home, I want others to get that same opportunity!
Why am I on a mission? I am not here because my parents are forcing me to or because there is pressure weighing on my shoulders. It was the night that Jared and I got in the wreck up in Rexburg when he came up and visited and how lucky we were to have not gotten hurt even though the car hit the snow bank and was totaled. I was so thankful and reflected on why I WASN'T hurt..It was then that I had the impression that the mission was for me. It was in the same conversation that I told my parents I had gotten in a wreck the night before and that I thought I was supposed to serve a mission. As I went through finding out if this was the right decision, I always got the answer yes. How grateful I am for this opportunity! There are so many reasons why I am here but ultimately to bring others the happiness I feel each DAY! But, one big part is how grateful I am to have the priesthood in my home because of a worthy father! PS dad I want you to watch the Mormon message: Fathers blessing or something alone that line??? It's a father and a Downs son and it reminded me of you and how thankful I am for all that you do, and especially with Tyler. The examples that have been set in my home, I want others to get that same opportunity!
Fri- Today we taught our first lesson in Tagalog, yikes! It went pretty well, but my companion just relied off of me as far as all my preparation and my translated sentences I wrote.. I did this as a learning opportunity for her to see exactly when we don't prepare, our lessons aren't going to go great, and the spirit doesn't reside. We came out talking about what we need to do to improve and we're ready to teach him again! I also went outside and had to bear my testimony to 3 people and 10 people ended up listening! I loved being able to speak Tagalog! And then to conclude class, I volunteered to say the closing prayer in Tagalog! Man, it's crazy how much I have learned.
When we put out trust and faith in the Lord, we are blessed innumerably! I love it here and I have already learned so much!
I hope everything is going great! And I will talk to you all next Friday!
Stay safe and Happy St. Patricks Day! Wear green because I've already been pinched twice for NOT!
Stay safe and Happy St. Patricks Day! Wear green because I've already been pinched twice for NOT!
Mahal Kita,
Sister Arnold
Love the updates!! This is sooo exciting!