Maayo'ng Buntag Family and Friends!
Well, last Monday was a hard day
as I said my goodbyes to Sister Marty and Sister Gay. We were invited
for lunch at a members house along with them. We ate, then after headed
to the Zoo here..small, but they wanted me to conquer my fear of
snakes..did I mention I hate snakes..gross! Well, they had me put the
snake around my neck and I didn't realize just how much of a chicken I
was-but, needless to say, I did it. Gay and Marty have pictures because
my camera was dead and they said they'd put them on Facebook for you
guys. Then, we had a FHE that they attended of the Enobia family since
they are their Visiting Teachers and after, they took us out to dinner
yet, again! I am going to miss them a ton, but I know I'm called where I
need to be.
Tuesday was transfer day, and when I heard him announce that I was
headed to Escalante City, I was shocked! This area was one that
President Tobias (former Pres) and Ap's said that I couldn't go to
because I am foreign. They basically said I'd stay city side and
honestly I was really bummed. So when they announced that I was headed
to Escalante, a million questions flooded my mind? Why me out of all the
Americans here? Why now? Why am I learning Cebuano now, if I didn't
master Illongo yet? Why? Why? Why? All the other sisters gasped and were
shocked and commented "THAT"S CEBUANO!" Then President said closing
remarks and he answered my questions and said "Many of you are wondering
why? And I wish I had the answer. But, I've received revelation to
where you all are assigned and it's not me that called you, but the
Lord" Well, how can I argue that!? I found out that I am only the 2nd
foreigner American that has been here EVER as a missionary, and the
first one was a long time ago. I got my new companion Sister Boncales
and we headed to Escalante City on a Ceres bus for 3 hours travel. I
got to the house, unpacked and it was 7pm. Just enough time go out
until 8pm. Here we only stay out because it's dangerous after dark.
But, we taught 3 lessons. We got home and I looked at their goals and
found out where they are as an area. They were averaging 11-25 teaching
total a week, with only one 9yr old investigator, no other
investigators, etc. I knew we needed to kick it up a bit and she was
okay with working harder and that's exactly what we did. I have gotten
tons of stares as I walk by, but in no way, shape, or form do I feel
threatened here. The people here are amazing and the area is breath
taking. It's Escalante City, but it's extremely poor, nothing is here,
but it's a huge area, with mostly farm area, caribou's (my favorite) and
sugar cane fields..that's where I wanted to be assigned and I got it! I
am finally getting tan and have major tan lines on my feet now! haha I
met tons of members, we taught 40 lessons from tues night to sunday and
16 lessons to investigators. We found ten investigators this week and
focused on three this week and all are progressing. They went to church Sunday for district conference and are excited to continue and
progressing towards aug 18th. I knew we could pick it up and that's
what we did here. Sister Lopez worked with us as they were in Escalante
for District Conference and she's only worked with two companionship's
since she's been here and I've been in both of them, with different
areas, different companions. She has something about her and all those less actives that we visited were at church on Sunday and the majority
of the ones we visited this week were also! The Lord is blessing this
work and I love the zone I got put into as I knew two of them already,
one I was batch with who has helped me with Cebuano, given me resources
so I can progress, etc. My companion is Sister Boncales and she is
amazing. She is probably going to be one of my favorite companions!
Right from the start we had the divine companionship and it only keeps
continuing! No contention, we speak Illongo in the house as I'm trying
to transition to Cebuano. Cebuano is easier than Illongo in my opinion,
but it's the transitioning that is hard for me when I'm so used to
talking in Illongo. We also had a lesson where the investigator saw I
am American and requested that I teach her in English-yikes! I stumbled
and fumbled over my words, kept saying Illongo and they all just laughed
at me. Grabe! So, I resorted back to Illongo/Cebuano. I have a family
that this week we're visiting and they said I can ride their caribou so
I am so excited for that! Then, last night as we were walking home from
our appointments., the hotel that president and sister are staying at is a
block away and we passed it. We saw them in the window on their
computers eating and we tapped softly on the window to say hi and they
invited us in and to stay for dinner. So we had dinner for 4 and it was
so great! I could talk great things about them all day, but it was an
evening that my companion and I were privileged to have.
This was a rewarding week and I was thankful for the change. We
agreed that even though I am junior because I'm learning another dialect
again that there's no junior/no senior and because of that, our unity,
our friendship, and our desire to go out and just WORK, we have seen
miracles and I'm excited to learn more about the members and the less
actives, find more investigators, and turn this area upside down for the a COMPANIONSHIP!
I know that I left my family for a short time so that others can be
together forever. That's what it is all about, and I am so thankful to
be serving the Filipino people. I know this gospel is true and my
testimony gets strengthened every day and am looking forward to another 5
weeks in this area and hopefully one more transfer with her!!
I love this work and I love you all! You are in my thoughts and prayers, always!
Palanga ta ka!
Sister Arnold
President Gordon B. Hinckley said:
"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than to experience and grow as she serves a mission." --Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Well, we got transfer announcements last night, we weren't supposed to
get them until today, but I am being transferred! I am so excited! we
both wanted to be transferred and I had a
feeling I would go and she would stay to train again because 6th ward is
a popular training ward..but, language will progress much more
now that I will be out of an English speaking's coming along
but I'm just ready to be fluent already haha. I'm sad i will leave and
not see the Velez family progress, but we're called where we're work here
was done, I guess.
This week was amazing for me! We were able to meet with the new mission president and his wife more in interviews and I can't talk them up enough. They are the most loveable, determined, heartfelt people. They are so loveable and President gives us hugs. haha All the girls were like "umm, is that allowed!?" hahah I embraced it! hahahahaha It was like a fatherly hug. Although, dad, yours can't be replaced! So I am extremely excited. He had a training in there he talked about faith compared to moving mountains. He had us write down what our "mountain" or challenges were so that he could help us move them! Yeah, words can't describe how excited I am for him and his wife!
All week we worked and were successful with our appointments. We said our goodbyes to the ward because we didn't know who would be transferring. That was extremely hard for me as most members made me reflect on my blessing when I got set apart that said you'll be sad when your mission is over, because of your love for the people. That has already started and I haven't even made it 6 months. I love being foreign, but once you say your goodbyes, it's going to be all up to me keeping in touch with them! I have no idea when or IF i will ever make it back, etc. I love the people of the 6th ward, but I know there's more people waiting for me in my next area!
Our recent converts we were able to make progress on and most came to church. We found out one of our recent converts problem why she still wasn't coming to church. She was pregnant but didn't want the baby. The problem was she was considering abortion and her husband said no. She felt guilty for having considered that an option, but we helped her see the blessings from that baby and she was at church on Sunday.
I love the mission. My testimony has grown so much this week as I have been put through challenges, amazing opportunities, etc. I read and studied D&C 121:7 this morning: "Your trials will be but a small moment". Our trials and challenges whether here or in the mission will be but a small moment and they are changing us to the people we need to be. It is filtering out the unnecessary things in our lives and I am glad and happy each day for an amazing companion who I am sad we're being separated and for the help of the Lord. The Lord is mindful of us in all our trials and challenges, but remember His arm is always outstretched, waiting for us to hold on to it.
This church is true and remember when life gets to hard to stand, kneel. There's power in prayer!
Halong and until next week,
Sister Arnold
This week was amazing for me! We were able to meet with the new mission president and his wife more in interviews and I can't talk them up enough. They are the most loveable, determined, heartfelt people. They are so loveable and President gives us hugs. haha All the girls were like "umm, is that allowed!?" hahah I embraced it! hahahahaha It was like a fatherly hug. Although, dad, yours can't be replaced! So I am extremely excited. He had a training in there he talked about faith compared to moving mountains. He had us write down what our "mountain" or challenges were so that he could help us move them! Yeah, words can't describe how excited I am for him and his wife!
All week we worked and were successful with our appointments. We said our goodbyes to the ward because we didn't know who would be transferring. That was extremely hard for me as most members made me reflect on my blessing when I got set apart that said you'll be sad when your mission is over, because of your love for the people. That has already started and I haven't even made it 6 months. I love being foreign, but once you say your goodbyes, it's going to be all up to me keeping in touch with them! I have no idea when or IF i will ever make it back, etc. I love the people of the 6th ward, but I know there's more people waiting for me in my next area!
Our recent converts we were able to make progress on and most came to church. We found out one of our recent converts problem why she still wasn't coming to church. She was pregnant but didn't want the baby. The problem was she was considering abortion and her husband said no. She felt guilty for having considered that an option, but we helped her see the blessings from that baby and she was at church on Sunday.
I love the mission. My testimony has grown so much this week as I have been put through challenges, amazing opportunities, etc. I read and studied D&C 121:7 this morning: "Your trials will be but a small moment". Our trials and challenges whether here or in the mission will be but a small moment and they are changing us to the people we need to be. It is filtering out the unnecessary things in our lives and I am glad and happy each day for an amazing companion who I am sad we're being separated and for the help of the Lord. The Lord is mindful of us in all our trials and challenges, but remember His arm is always outstretched, waiting for us to hold on to it.
This church is true and remember when life gets to hard to stand, kneel. There's power in prayer!
Halong and until next week,
Sister Arnold
Sunday, July 1, 2012
I Love This Work!
Wow, another week!! This week was great as we came so close to meeting
our goals! Sis. Molino and I have so many plans for this ward, and I
really hope I don't get transferred! I love this ward and my
relationships with the ward members has been great!! But, the Lord may
have other plans and I'll accept it, but I love this work! Many have
asked, we get our new mission president Sunday. I am extremely
excited to see his visions for this work and especially since he'll be
my mission president for the majority of my mission. I have heard
nothing but awesome things about him and so I will keep you updated!
Monday we went to SM which is the mall here..not gonna lie, it was decent! Doesn't compare to the fashion show mall, but it was nicer than I thought! That was a lot of fun as we saw tons of missionaries there!
Tuesday we had District meeting and went out and taught 8 lessons in 4.5 hours. We met so many new less actives, and visited a few recent converts! It was a rewarding day! I am also happy to announce that 2 out of 3 12 yr old are reading! Thanks for your advice! The 3rd we just haven't visited yet, but our fingers are crossed!
Wednesday we had an all day training with president and it was awesome! We all learned so much and how to be better effective missionaries! It definitely showed in our work this week! But, we didn't teach any lessons because it went from 8am-8pm..tiring day, but worth it! Then, we had a few personal questions on callings for president so he did a personal two on one for us and helped us get our ward more organized! There are people in callings that aren't in ward boundaries and our recent converts are slowly falling away because the Bishop says there's no calling for them..there's always a calling/responsibility for them! There is one recent convert family who hasn't attended church because of a problem in their life. We could tell and found out that sister is pregnant and doesn't want's bad for her health and they can't afford another child. It's so sad to see.
Thursday- Sat The teaching continued. We contacted a few referrals and have tons of investigators and they are progressing! The only things with one of our areas is our area is HUGE that its pricy to take a tricycle to church and most people can't afford it..we're still brainstorming on that one! Any suggestions?? We can only promise blessings and help them see the importance of it.
Sunday-We had church and it was great as usual! We then went to teach our 12 year old Mark and his mom invited us to stay for lunch..guess what the menu was?! fish and rice..well, It takes me forever to dissect a fish from all its invisible bones, so the family was laughing at me and saying "budlay, sis?" Which is it hard sister? Haha yes, it is!!!!! They were all done within seconds and I was still eating because not only doI have to dissect the fish, but with a fork and spoon! haha. Glad I'll be remembered for not being able to eat fish! I am working on it though..I don't get much practice though because my companion knows me and tries not to cook fish! haha
Well, it sounds great at home! Everyone seems to be staying busy! I am really bummed that I am not going to be able to be at Zac and Julie's wedding. I swear, everyone is getting married while I am gone! But, I am glad they are gong to tie the knot! I am so excited to see Branden as I hear he will be walking soon!! Congrats Zac and Julie! Love you both!
Missionary work seems great over there! Mom and dad, great work at being involved in the missionary work there.
I am sad that once again you'll be going to the cabin again without me! 4th of July already! man!! and Grandmas bday but I have another pday before that!
Well, the work is great over here! Each day flies by because we are so busy! My love for the people is huge! They have so much love and I love the Bacolod 6th ward! I know this is where I am supposed to be and I love watching the people come closer to their savior and exercise the Atonement in their lives. Thank you for all the emails and updates! I love you all and I will talk to you next week.! Sorry no pictures this week..I didn't take any :( But, I am glad you are all enjoying them! My highlight of the week was the little blind boy is attached to my hip and runs from my companion and my companion wants to be close to him, but he smells me and tells me I smell good and he always sits next to me! Then me and Sis Molino try to switch spots and he notices and switches sides and at the end of the lesson he told her to go and for me to stay! hahah. precious and my heart melted. It's kids like that that make my day!
Sister Arnold
Monday we went to SM which is the mall here..not gonna lie, it was decent! Doesn't compare to the fashion show mall, but it was nicer than I thought! That was a lot of fun as we saw tons of missionaries there!
Tuesday we had District meeting and went out and taught 8 lessons in 4.5 hours. We met so many new less actives, and visited a few recent converts! It was a rewarding day! I am also happy to announce that 2 out of 3 12 yr old are reading! Thanks for your advice! The 3rd we just haven't visited yet, but our fingers are crossed!
Wednesday we had an all day training with president and it was awesome! We all learned so much and how to be better effective missionaries! It definitely showed in our work this week! But, we didn't teach any lessons because it went from 8am-8pm..tiring day, but worth it! Then, we had a few personal questions on callings for president so he did a personal two on one for us and helped us get our ward more organized! There are people in callings that aren't in ward boundaries and our recent converts are slowly falling away because the Bishop says there's no calling for them..there's always a calling/responsibility for them! There is one recent convert family who hasn't attended church because of a problem in their life. We could tell and found out that sister is pregnant and doesn't want's bad for her health and they can't afford another child. It's so sad to see.
Thursday- Sat The teaching continued. We contacted a few referrals and have tons of investigators and they are progressing! The only things with one of our areas is our area is HUGE that its pricy to take a tricycle to church and most people can't afford it..we're still brainstorming on that one! Any suggestions?? We can only promise blessings and help them see the importance of it.
Sunday-We had church and it was great as usual! We then went to teach our 12 year old Mark and his mom invited us to stay for lunch..guess what the menu was?! fish and rice..well, It takes me forever to dissect a fish from all its invisible bones, so the family was laughing at me and saying "budlay, sis?" Which is it hard sister? Haha yes, it is!!!!! They were all done within seconds and I was still eating because not only doI have to dissect the fish, but with a fork and spoon! haha. Glad I'll be remembered for not being able to eat fish! I am working on it though..I don't get much practice though because my companion knows me and tries not to cook fish! haha
Well, it sounds great at home! Everyone seems to be staying busy! I am really bummed that I am not going to be able to be at Zac and Julie's wedding. I swear, everyone is getting married while I am gone! But, I am glad they are gong to tie the knot! I am so excited to see Branden as I hear he will be walking soon!! Congrats Zac and Julie! Love you both!
Missionary work seems great over there! Mom and dad, great work at being involved in the missionary work there.
I am sad that once again you'll be going to the cabin again without me! 4th of July already! man!! and Grandmas bday but I have another pday before that!
Well, the work is great over here! Each day flies by because we are so busy! My love for the people is huge! They have so much love and I love the Bacolod 6th ward! I know this is where I am supposed to be and I love watching the people come closer to their savior and exercise the Atonement in their lives. Thank you for all the emails and updates! I love you all and I will talk to you next week.! Sorry no pictures this week..I didn't take any :( But, I am glad you are all enjoying them! My highlight of the week was the little blind boy is attached to my hip and runs from my companion and my companion wants to be close to him, but he smells me and tells me I smell good and he always sits next to me! Then me and Sis Molino try to switch spots and he notices and switches sides and at the end of the lesson he told her to go and for me to stay! hahah. precious and my heart melted. It's kids like that that make my day!
Sister Arnold
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